在Nuxt.js 中遇到 localStorage is not defined 的错误通常是因为在服务器端渲染(SSR)的上下文中尝试访问了 localStorage。localStorage 是Web 存储 API 的一部分,它仅在客户端(浏览器)环境中可用。下面是一些解决这个问题的步骤: 1. 确认是否在正确的上下文中使用了 localStorage 确保你在客户端的生命周期钩子或方法...
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简介: nuxt localStorage is not defined 背景 在nuxt.js的vue create生命周期中用到localStorege(window也是)报了localStorage is not defined的错, 解决办法 解决:在mounted生命周期中用localStorage文章标签: JavaScript Boale_H +关注 167文章 0 0 0 0 评论 登录后可评论...
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localForage has a dual API that allows you to either use Node-style callbacks orPromises. If you are unsure which one is right for you, it's recommended to use Promises. Here's an example of the Node-style callback form: localforage.setItem('key','value',function(err){// if err is...