Shop Local PA a business directory of locally owned businesses in Pennsylvania that consumers can easily use to shop local and support local.
Some of the work that has been undertaken to understand those firms that are deemed to be ‘entrepreneurial’ (a process) and those that may be owned and managed by a family (a structure) will cast light on some small enterprises. However, as much research on entrepreneurship and on family...
Just give us a call or send a message to find out if we service your area, in fact, we are probably cheaper than the local shops where you are forced to deliver your vehicle and wait. We also work with your insurance company to get you the least expensive option.Make sure to use th...
Westgate Auto Repair is a 2nd generation family owned business that has been serving Rochester and surrounding communities since 1976. Our business takes quality and customer service seriously. We can proudly say we are one of a few 2nd generation family owned auto repair shops. LEARN MORE We fo...