Young, "Localized Top of the Line Corrosion in Marginally Sour Environments," CORROSION 2016, paper no. 7695 (Houston, TX: NACE, 2016).N. Yaakob, F. Farelas, M. Singer, S. Nesic, and D. Young, Localized top of the line corrosion in marginally sour environments, NACE International ...
Localized corrosion refers to the hastened attack of passive metals in corrosive environments. It is characterized by an intense attack at confined areas on surface components, while the remaining area of the surface corrodes at a much slower rate. This can be due to environmental effects or the...
The results of flow loop corrosion experiments carried out with 5 bar CO2, 0.5 bar H2S, 50% MEG and 60oC are presented and discussed in detail, with focus on development of localized corrosion attacks and the composition and morphology of corrosion product layers. The salinity and pH were adj...
Localized corrosion of Al alloys is known to be the most frequent cause of failure of high-strength aluminium alloys1,2. The less common intergranular or transgranular corrosion can also be considered a precursor of stress corrosion cracking (SCC) or a potential origin for fatigue cracks3,4,5,...
Localized corrosion triggered by inclusions is prone to metallic material failure. Except for chemical dissolution of some special inclusions, the principle of galvanic coupling is the most acceptable theory to explain the above corrosion damage mechanis
Cu Intergranular corrosion 1. Introduction Copper is a commonly used minor alloying element in many commercial Fe/Ni-based corrosion-resistant alloys (CRAs) to improve resistance to general corrosion in non-oxidizing acids, such as sulfuric and phosphoric acids, or it may be present as an impurity...
Kappes* Localized corrosion and stress corrosion cracking of stainless steels in halides other than chlorides solutions: a review Received July 5, 2019; accepted October 20, 2019; previously published online December 20, 2019 Abstract: Fluorides, ...
Fig. 3 also supports the assumption used in the selection of the meshing that the potential/inet gradients are the highest at elements Discussion For corrosion resistant materials exposed to ambient atmospheric environments, the corrosion mode of highest risk is expected to be localized corrosion (...
Mitigating corrosion remains a daunting challenge due to localized, nanoscale corrosion events that are poorly understood but are known to cause unpredictable variations in material longevity. Here, the most recent advances in liquid-cell transmission el
operatinginmarineenvironments[4].Improvementsinstrength alongwithimprovedcorrosionresistanceinmarineenvironment forthesealloysarebeneficialforsuchapplications.However,in solutionscontainingchlorides,Al–Zn–Mgalloysareproneto variousformsoflocalizedcorrosionsuchaspitting,crevice,inter- ...