the state or fact of beinglocalor having a location: the locality that every material object must have. Discover More Example Sentences States and localities that used Eventbrite or other first-come, first-served systems may not have an easy way to guarantee appointments for second doses. ...
The locality principle will be useful wherever there is an advantage in reducing the apparent distance from a process to the objects it accesses. Objects in the process’s locality set are kept in a local cache with fast access time. The cache can be a very highspeed chip attached to a p...
Definition of Locality in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is Locality? Meaning of Locality as a legal term. What does Locality mean in law?
In the third place, the noun "talmud" has the meaning which alone can be genetically connected with the name "Talmud"; in tannaitic phraseology the verb "limmed" denotes the exegetic deduction of a halakic principle from the Biblical text (for examples see RH ii. 9; Sifre, Num. 118)...
2.As the basic nouns of locality in Chinese, "East,West,South and North" have been greatly concerned by researchers,but by far there hasn t been any complete study on the words in their group from the point of word meaning and direction culture as well.“东西南北”作为汉民族定四至的基本...
Many geomorphic transport laws assume that the transport process is local, meaning that the space and time scales of particle displacement are short relative to those of the system as a whole. This assumption allows one to express sediment flux in terms of at-a-point properties such as the lo...
On the other side, simply combining multiple features may also fail to achieve accurate image retrieval, since each type of feature has its specific meaning and representation. Thus, Composite Hashing improves the Anchor Graph with multiple features and fuses them by distance metric and local ...
If it were local then the OPE of two operators far from it could not be affected by it, meaning that in pure Yang-Mills we would have Res z1 z2 O∆+,1a1 (z1, z¯1)O∆+,2a2 (z2, z¯2)[O+,a3 ](k)(z3, z¯3) =? − if a1 a2 b ∞ m=0 B(∆1 − ...
The long-lasting view of entanglement as the characteristic trait of quantum mechanics has been recently challenged by experimental demonstrations of non-quantum entanglement. This motivates a review of the meaning of Bell violations, which have been wid
(with support for processor sets and logical domains) * AIX * Darwin / OS X * FreeBSD and its variants (such as kFreeBSD/GNU) * NetBSD * HP-UX * Microsoft Windows Since it uses standard Operating System information, hwloc's support is mostly independant from the processor type (x86, ...