参考网址:https://github.com/FiloSottile/mkcert 。在 Windows 上,使用预构建的二进制文件。下载:mkcert-v1.4.3-windows-amd64.exe 至目录:E:/wwwroot。如图2 图2 7、以管理员身份运行 PowerShell,进入目录:E:/wwwroot,将 mkcert 添加到本地根 CA。在您的终端中,运行以下命令:,点击 是,本地 CA 现已安...
为了在Windows 10上使用Nginx指定域名代理到本地localhost,您可以按照以下步骤进行配置: 1. 安装Nginx 首先,您需要从Nginx官网下载适用于Windows的Nginx版本。访问 Nginx下载页面 并下载适用于Windows的稳定版本。下载后解压到任意目录,例如C: ginx。 2. 配置Nginx以监听特定的域名 Nginx默认监听所有网络接口上的80端口...
Path src = new Path("D:\\test.txt");
migrating from Access. I attempted to migrate the MariaDB database(s) from the default datadir (C:\Program Files\MariaDB 11.2\data) to drive E (E:\MariaDB\Data) by changing the "my.ini" file "datadir=" line. To be clear, I first exited dbForge Studio for MySQL and...
Add multiple location paths into the web.config Add new column in existing CSV file using C# Add query string when user clicks back button Add Reference Issue Add rows to a Table in run time , one by one Add Trusted Site in the IIS server Adding .ASHX files to an existing Project......
1.解析域名到windows服务器的公网ip上 2.修改tomcat的配置文件 修改tomcat7\conf\server.xml文件 (1)修改Engine标签,这里将defaultHost内容修改为购买的域名 (2)修改Host标签,在Host将name的内容localhost改为域名 这样就修改成功了... 前端开发修改本地项目的访问域名 替换localhost为xxx ...
1.can you enter winver in command prompt on both vm and host win10 computer then look the os version and os version number ?[for example windows 10 enterprise 1809 (os build 17763.316)] 2.are vm and host win10 in the same AD domain or in the same workgroup ? 3.if you disable ...
From client machine (Edge Canary), visit: edge://inspect/#devices In the connect input box, click on this one: http://localhost:50080 After a few seconds, I can see the running Edge and its open Tabs. In short, I can now using 2 Edge (Chrome) instances in my Windows...
💡On Windows, you will be prompted three times to authorise the changes you are making to your system by clicking Yes. 💡 If Firefox is running, you must restart it before it will accept your new local development certificate. 💡 Unless you specify a custom location for Auto Encrypt L...
我在我的Windows 7机器上安装了一个VMWARE工作站,托管一个Ubuntu客户;网络模式被设置为“桥接”。客户操作系统从公司DHCP服务器获得自己的IP地址。 我在客户VM上安装了一个灯环境。我可以在客户操作系统上启动火狐,输入'http://localhost'或'http://myguestmachinename',本地网页显示得很好。但是,在主机上,我只能...