waitingRecord lock, heap no 8 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 5; compact format; info bits 0 0: len 6; hex 000000000207; asc ;; 1: len 6; hex 000000000518; asc ;; 2: len 7; hex b3000001270110; asc ' ;; 3: len 4; hex 80000007; asc ;; 4: len 4; hex 800002bc; asc ;; 案例分...
某童装厂(一般纳税人)2019年5月购进原料,取得增值税专用发票上注明销售额80000元,后将其委托另一服装厂加工成成衣,取得对方开具的增值税专用发票上注明增值税5100元,当月收回并全部销售给一小规模商业批发企业,开具普通发票上注明销售额为152100元,其应纳增值税额为( )(税率13%) A. 3400元 B. -1700元 ...
问题是这样的,android模拟器(simulator)把它自己作为了localhost,也就是说,代码中使用localhost或者127.0.0.1来访问,都是访问模拟器自己!这是不行的! 如果你想在模拟器simulator上面访问你的电脑,那么就使用android内置的IP 吧, 是模拟器设置的特定ip,是你的电脑的别名alias 记住,在模拟器上用10...
6,547,631407,-;sps:BAM 0x0000000001dc4000 is registered. 6,548,631643,-;sps:BAM 0x0000000001dc4000 (va:0xffffff800ee80000) enabled: ver:0x27, number of pipes:16 6,549,631995,-;QCE50: qce_sps_init: QTI MSM CE-BAM at 0x0000000001dc4000 irq 107 6,550,632635,-;iommu: Adding dev...
6,261,405276,-;iommu: Adding device 800000.qcom,gpi-dma to group 66,262,405444,-;iommu: Adding device a00000.qcom,gpi-dma to group 76,263,405616,-;iommu: Adding device 88a7000.msm_tspp to group 86,264,405782,-;iommu: Adding device soc:apps_iommu_test_device to group 86,265,...
对网站根目录下的web.config进行修改: 原:<httpRuntime executionTimeout="90" maxRequestLength="80000... 阅读全文 posted @ 2009-07-02 03:40 Localhost 阅读(3755) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑 C#--防盗链 摘要:譬如: 像这样一个地址,有时通过直接点击就可以下下来,但实际上,通过控制,判断用户的权限,...
6,261,467365,-;iommu: Adding device 800000.qcom,gpi-dma to group 6 6,262,467530,-;iommu: Adding device a00000.qcom,gpi-dma to group 7 6,263,467694,-;iommu: Adding device 88a7000.msm_tspp to group 8 6,264,467865,-;iommu: Adding device soc:apps_iommu_test_device to group 8 6,...
6,548,642729,-;sps:BAM 0x0000000001dc4000 (va:0xffffff800ee80000) enabled: ver:0x27, number of pipes:16 6,549,643101,-;QCE50: qce_sps_init: QTI MSM CE-BAM at 0x0000000001dc4000 irq 107 6,550,643761,-;iommu: Adding device 1de0000.qcedev:qcom_cedev_ns_cb to group 20 6,551...