ThelocaleCompare()method compares two strings in the current locale. ThelocaleCompare()method returns sort order -1, 1, or 0 (for before, after, or equal). The current locale is based on the language settings of the browser. Syntax
JavaScript 的字符串是不可变的(immutable),String 类定义的方法都不能改变字符串的内容,返回的是全新的字符串,而不是修改原始字符串。 04 JavaScript 将对象数组按字母顺序排序 Chrome、IE、Edge、Firefox、Safari、Opera 等 都支持 sort() 方法。 02
In the above example, we have compared two unequal strings'Python'and'JavaScript'. Since'Python'comes after'JavaScript', the method returns1. However, while comparing two equal strings'JavaScript', the method returns0. Example 4: Using localeCompare() With locales and options // passing locale ...
A string to be compared, in a locale-sensitive fashion, with string. Returns A number that indicates the result of the comparison. If string is “less than” target, localeCompare( ) returns a number less than zero. If string is “greater than” target, the method returns a number great...
In JavaScript, the syntax for the localeCompare() method is: string.localeCompare(compare_string [, locale [, options]]); Parameters or Arguments compare_string It is a string value that will be compared against the localeCompare() method's calling string. ...
JavaScript String localeCompare()用法及代码示例 字符串.localeCompare()是 JavaScript 中的内置方法,用于比较任意两个元素,如果引用字符串按字典顺序大于比较字符串,则返回正数;如果引用字符串按字典顺序小于比较字符串,则返回负数;为零 (0)比较字符串和引用字符串是否相等。
JAVASCRIPT STRING - LOCALECOMPARE METHOD Copyright © Description This method returns a number indicating whether a reference string comes before or after or is the same as the given string in sorted order. Syntax ...
JavaScript String localeCompare() Method - The JavaScript String localeCompare() method is used to compare two strings in the current locales that your browser is currently using. It returns a number that indicates whether this string comes before, after
The String localeCompare() method Find out all about the JavaScript localeCompare() method of a stringThis method compares a string to another, returning a number (negative, 0, positive) that tells if the current string is lower, equal or greater than the string passed as argument, according ...
JavaScript String localeCompare() Method: Here, we are going to learn about the localeCompare() method of the string in JavaScript with Example.