[HUAWEI-console0] authentication-mode password //配置Console用户界面的认证方式为Password [HUAWEI-console0] set authentication password cipher Admin@123 //配置登录密码为Admin@123 。缺省情况下,Console口用户界面下用户的级别是15。#aaa用户登录与password认证模式的区别:aaa需要本地认证用户名才登录交换...
local-user admin password irreversible-cipher 密码 提示输入旧密码: Please enter old password: 完成后会有两端提示: Info: The old passwordischeckedsuccessfully andnewpassword can meet the requirements. Info: After changing the rights (including the password, access type, FTP directory, HTTP directory,...
缺省情况下,系统中存在一个名称为“admin”的本地用户。 命令格式 local-useruser-name{password{simplepassword|password[opt] } [ {state{active|block} |access-limitmax-number|idle-timeoutminutes[seconds] }*] 参数说明 参数 参数说明 取值 user-name ...
By default, common users are authenticated in the default domain, and administrative users are authenticated in the default_admin domain. local-user user-name password { cipher | irreversible-cipher } password Configure an access type for the local user. local-user user-name service-type { 8021...
scheme huawei authentication-mode radius authorization-scheme default authorization-scheme huawei accounting- scheme default domain default domain default admin domain huawei authentication-scheme huawei authorization-scheme huawei local-user huawei password cipher 123456 local-user huawei@huawei password cipher ...
两台路由器背靠背直连 , 配备如下 , 路由器之间与否可以通讯( )[Router1] displaycurrent-configuration# sysname Router1# FTP server enable# l2tp domain suffix-separator @# radius scheme system# domain system# local-user adminpassword cipherservice-type telnet terminallevel 3service-type ftp local-user...
想法没有,但是做了一个 telnet配置供大家使用:ENSP模拟器telnet配置,2台S5700配置如下:一、telnet 2 配置<Huawei>---用户模式<Huawei>system view--进入系统模式[Huawei]sysname 2---改设备名为2[2]vlan 100---创建vlan 100[2-vlan100]quit---退出当前模式返回上一...
How can enterprise admins configure a default look and feel user experience to Session Host servers online? I know that preferences give some flexibility to create shortcuts etc, but this are hard to find as we redirect user desktops, therefore mingled in and amongst user documents. Thanks ...
两台路由器背靠背直连 , 配备如下 , 路由器之间与否可以通讯( )[Router1]display current-configuration# sysname Router1# FTP server enable# l2tp domain suffix-separator @# fr switching# radius scheme system# domain system# local-user adminpassword cipher华为3COM网络工程师模拟测试题 HuaWei GB0-1834 ...
By default, the local user admin exists in the system. Format local-user user-name { password { simple password | password [ opt ] } [ { state { active | block } | access-limit max-number | idle-timeout minutes [ seconds ] } * ] Parameters Parameter Description Value user-name...