local-user service-type(升级兼容命令) 命令功能 local-user service-type命令用来设置本地用户的接入类型。 缺省情况下,本地用户关闭所有的接入类型。 命令格式 local-useruser-nameservice-type{terminal|telnet|ftp|ssh|snmp|ppp|http}* local-useruser-nameservice-typeall...
local-user service-type命令用来配置本地用户的接入类型。 undo local-user service-type命令用来将本地用户的接入类型恢复为缺省配置。 缺省情况下,本地用户关闭所有的接入类型。 命令格式 local-useruser-nameservice-type{8021x|ftp |http |[roleguest-admin] |ppp|ssh|telnet|terminal|web}* ...
[Huawei-aaa]local-user admin1234 password irreversible-cipher Huawei12#$ #密码选项irreversible-cipher 账号admin1234 密码Huawei12#$ (CE高端系列一般为这个) [Huawei-aaa]local-user admin1234 service-type telnet #配置接入服务类型,如果还需要SSH登录请加上 [Huawei-aaa]local-user admin1234 privilege level ...
[huawei]local-user admin password cipher Admin@123 //设置用户名及密码 [huawei]local-user admin privilege level 15 //配置用户等级(0-15级)[huawei]local-user admin service-type terminal //配置用户登录模式 #用户登录模式有:console登录,telnet登录,ssh登录,web登录四种方式 password认证模式:<...
local-user admin service-type telnet terminal ssh问题补充:匿名 2013-05-23 12:21:38 本地用户管理服务型的telnet端SSH 匿名 2013-05-23 12:23:18 地方用户admin服务型的telnet终端ssh 匿名 2013-05-23 12:24:58 地方用户admin服务类型telnet终端ssh 匿名 2013-05-23 12:26:38 本地用户...
Local PTY, USB and Bluetooth serial (UART) ports, SSH and Telnet support in the same application; Adequate screen input methods as long as a terminal requires specific keyboard functions; Ability to set fixed screen columns and/or rows numbers. ...
Log in to Ubuntu and open the terminal to install SSH: shell Copy $ sudo apt install openssh-server Find The TCP/IP address for the Ubuntu installation using the ifconfig command and copy the IP address for the eth0 interface. Use an SSH client such as OpenSSH (ssh.exe installed wi...
ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'password'; whererootis your user,localhostis your URL, andpasswordis your password. Refresh your privileges by running this query: If this does not resolve the issue, try the SQL query without the@'localhost'part....
ArtifactRepo/ Server at mirrors.huaweicloud.com Port 443
something sometimes starting state step stop Stop Subject such switching Taking technology telling terminal text There these they took tool type Type typing unique Unknown used Usually van view wait way we well Where where whether while who window Window wired Wireless within words worked works ...