Current local time in Bhutan – Phuntsholing. Get Phuntsholing's weather and area codes, time zone and DST. Explore Phuntsholing's sunrise and sunset, moonrise and moonset.
Current local time in Bhutan – Thimphu. Get Thimphu's weather and area codes, time zone and DST. Explore Thimphu's sunrise and sunset, moonrise and moonset.
Current local time in Thimphu, Bhutan - Thimphu Bhutan time zones - what time is it in Thimphu, Bhutan - world time zone information for Thimphu Bhutan
Time zone--- Summer (DST)--- Time zones1 Population 742737 Long NameKingdom of Bhutan Capital CityThimphu CurrencyBTN, INR AbbreviationsBT, BTN Phone Code975 LanguageDzongkha Weather in Bhutan More information about Bhutan Bhutan, also known as the Kingdom of Bhutan, is located in SouthAsiain...
Current Local Time in Bhutan - what time is it in Bhutan - world time zone information for Bhutan
India is the largest country in the Indian Subcontinent and shares borders with Pakistan to the west, China and Nepal to the north, Bhutan to the north-east, and Bangladesh and Myanmar to the east. Sri Lanka lies to the south, Maldives to the south-west and Indonesia to the south-east ...
World Time Server shows current local time and date in cities and countries in all time zones, adjusted for Daylight Saving Time rules automatically.
Bhutan Asia/Thimphu +06:00 BTT 0 Thimphu BT BTN AS Bolivia America/La_Paz -04:00 BOT 0 Sucre BO BOL SA Bonaire, Saint Eustatiusand Saba America/Kralendijk -04:00 BOT 0 Kralendijk BQ BES NA Bosnia and Herzegovina Europe/Sarajevo +01:00 CET 0 Sarajevo BA BIH EU Botswana Africa/...
South Asia’s estimated levels ranged from <5% in Bangladesh to ≥10% Bhutan. Estimated prevalence in Karbala city in Karbala, Iraq, increased from 13.6% (12.4–14.1%) in 2000 to 29.3% (22.9–29.1%) in 2017. Thailand’s southern areas experienced large increases in estimated prevalence ...
Deterministic seismic hazard analysis (DSHA)Seismic microzonationSite-specific response spectrumBhutanInnovative Infrastructure Solutions - Phuentsholing is a thriving border town in the southwestern part of Bhutan. With the development of infrastructure over time, the safety of the residence and......