Standard Time Zone:GMT/UTC + 05:00 hour Daylight Saving Time:DST not applied Ashgabat. Map of location See other cities ofTurkmenistan View travel resources forTurkmenistan DST- Daylight Saving Time (Summer Time) GMT- Greenwich Mean Time
Standard Time Zone:GMT/UTC + 05:00 hour Daylight Saving Time:DST not applied Ashgabat. Map of location See other cities ofTurkmenistan View travel resources forTurkmenistan DST- Daylight Saving Time (Summer Time) GMT- Greenwich Mean Time
Current local time in Turkmenistan – Ashgabat. Get Ashgabat's weather and area codes, time zone and DST. Explore Ashgabat's sunrise and sunset, moonrise and moonset.
Time zone--- Summer (DST)--- Time zones1 Population 4751120 Long NameTM Capital CityAshgabat CurrencyTMT AbbreviationsTM, TKM Phone Code993 LanguageTurkmen Weather in Turkmenistan More information about Turkmenistan Turkmenistan, is a country in CentralAsiawith an area of 488.100 square kilometers an...
Scaletta Zanclea to CHUT time Scaletta Zanclea to XJT time Scaletta Zanclea to EDT time Scaletta Zanclea to V time Scaletta Zanclea to +05 time Scaletta Zanclea to Niscemi time Scaletta Zanclea to Ashgabat time Scaletta Zanclea to Tromso time Scaletta Zanclea to Fukuecho time Scaletta...
Rainford to PONT time Rainford to L time Rainford to CVST time Rainford to GST time Rainford to CVST time Rainford to WT time Rainford to Hawthorne time Rainford to Ashgabat time Rainford to Atsiaman time Rainford to Kofu time Rainford to Tando Adam time Rainford ...
Ashgabat, Tashkent This time zone doesn't observe daylight saving time. West Bank Standard Time (UTC+02:00) Gaza, Hebron West Pacific Standard Time (UTC+10:00) Guam, Port Moresby This time zone doesn't observe daylight saving time. Yakutsk Standard Time (UTC+09:00) Yakutsk On this page...
Asia/Amman, Asia/Ashgabat, Asia/Baghdad, Asia/Baku, Asia/Bangkok, Asia/Beirut, Asia/Calcutta, Asia/Damascus, Asia/Dhaka, Asia/Irkutsk, Asia/Jerusalem, Asia/Kabul, Asia/Karachi, Asia/Kathmandu, Asia/Krasnoyarsk, Asia/Magadan, Asia/Muscat, Asia/Novosibirsk, Asia/Riyadh, Asia/Seoul, Asia/Shang...
Current local time in Iran – Mashhad. Get Mashhad's weather and area codes, time zone and DST. Explore Mashhad's sunrise and sunset, moonrise and moonset.
Learn how to convert UTC timestamps to your local time zone in PostgreSQL, even when your timestamp column lacks time zone information. Use the 'at time zone' function with either full time zone names like 'america/los_angeles' or abbreviations like 'pst