The AMA is subtweeting Trump — Steven Dennis (@StevenTDennis) October 25, 2020 41 Dread Pirate Ron Oct 26, 2020 • 3:25:12am down 19 up report When the Soviets had lines like this for bread and toilet paper, we didn’t say “...
rjdjdsjdsejdsetsteeDkskkksglsosososeomsehssesessrrrr.v..s.easaasasususuctuucteuct.uct.u.i.ttetphdtantaentantanjiihihaihcscccllrlrlkrraaaarrrrreoddddsdd.hddhhthaeaeaea.ttlatltlslitcuotanirlarnddatl, sucgahsloatbhsaetlhtprelaatfnfriactfofisiscgenseiakgltnlhiagelhGlti,gPahSltlp,paaotlhlinpoto...
Alabama's Mark Sears and North Carolina's RJ Davis headline The Associated Press preseason All-America men's basketball team. No description available Miami Heat postpone Thursday’s preseason game due to Hurricane MiltonRead full article: Miami Heat postpone Thursday’s preseason game due to Hurric...
that end. Just as the safety and lives of Pinto cars was a secondary concern for the people who ran Ford Motor Company in the 1970s, or causing lung cancer in millions of people was simply an unfortunate cost of doing business for the likes of Philip Morris, RJ Reynolds, and Lorillard....
他的一个个浪漫有趣的寓言(fable),无不彰显(highlight)中国人石破天惊(ground-breaking)、振聋发聩的艺术感染力(appeal)和创造力(creativity)。 l 英雄故事 从前有一个骑鱼的人,他喜欢做梦,拥有将梦境具象化为现实的能力,但梦里的世界总是无处安放,一如在现实中无处安放的自己。 once upon a time, t...