Fiscal multiplierFiscal stimulusMedicaid matching grantsAdvocates of Medicaid expansion argue that federal Medicaid assistance to states fosters economic activity, generating positive local multiplier effects. Furthermore, during economic downturns, Congress regularly tweaks federal match rates for state Medicaid ...
This paper illustrates the effect of employment in the tradable sector on employment in the non-tradable sector in the same city with a simple model. The model predicts a significant positive local employment multiplier that increases in... JV Dijk - European Regional Science Association 被引量:...
Heideman, L. 2011. Municipal Local Economic Development and Multiplier effect: piloting community enterprise identification. Accessed: 25-02- 2015.Heideman, L. (2011). Municipal Local Economic Development and the Multiplier effect: Piloting a Community Enterprise ...
JAKARTA, Jan. 22 (Xinhua) -- The Indonesian government's Value Added Tax (VAT) incentive policy on the automotive sector will benefit the country's middle and upper classes and have a multiplier effect on Indonesia's economic recovery, an official said. "The government's policy is logical a...
where A is an N × N positive definite matrix, B is an M × N matrix, and D is a P × N matrix of rank P. This is a convex program, and assuming that the constraint qualification of Theorem 2 holds, the solution to this problem is the solution of the conditions Ax+Btμ+Dtω...
function PositiveAngle(NUMBER) if NUMBER >= 0 then NUMBER = 0 end return NUMBER end function NegativeAngle(NUMBER) if NUMBER <= 0 then NUMBER = 0 end return NUMBER end function Swait(NUMBER) if NUMBER == 0 or NUMBER == nil then ...
Because the number of interactions increases with the population, there are numerous outcomes, both positive and negative. We are all familiar with the congestion that comes with increased population density. More people means more cars on the road, more crowds on sidewalks, less room in public ...
Last, the data seem to suggest that the 2009 stimulus loans have some positive impact on local economic growth, but the evidence is less robust. All pieces of evidence presented here suggest that the stimulus loan hangover effect is an important driver of China’s overall shadow banking ...
Preferences for equity at the global level that align with the national level offset the effect of inequality on the SCC. In Eq. (11), positive covariances between national and global welfare weights capture how the level of inequality that is implemented by national transfers is actually preferre...
we need a school for our children, we need a place to worship,” shared Mardesen. “The premium Niman Ranch pays me allows me to manage my farm in a positive productive way. Niman Ranch gives me the chance to plan for the future of the farm, instead of worrying about there being a...