Problems of forcing a return or refund are not concerning if you got paid CASH on Pick-Up. Those that accept an eBay Managed Payment, not so much. Though I only recall a couple of posts here (from a few years ago), when an "Item not described" claim was filed after...
Local Pickup Local Pickup anfos64 Adventurer (37feedbacks)View listings 10-02-202404:51 PM When listing an item for local pickup only EBay policy states that you have to offer the buyer "at least one of the approved electronic payment methods". When I listed the item (still in ...
“近日,eBay宣布将更新“Local-Pickup(本地收货)”功能,通过QR码确认收货,将这一功能从现在的美国站点,拓展到英、德、法、澳等” 近日,eBay宣布将更新“Local-Pickup(本地收货)”功能,通过QR码确认收货,将这一功能从现在的美国站点,拓展到英、德、法、澳等多个站点。 Local-Pickup使用二维码确认收货,为卖家提...
Yes, there is a place where I can Local Pick up only and also a payment option of 'Pay on pickup' which I've done. But eBay says I still have to add PP as an option, even though I don't want to take it. I find this a very annoying eBay policy as using PP for a local ...
Domestic Shipping Local Pickup Pick Up in Store Free Shipping International Shipping Shipping Services Shipping Costs Handling Time Shipping Discount Profiles Revise Shipping Details User Management Business Policies Custom Policies eBay Catalog Products eBay Features eBay Motors eBay Store Classified Ads Real...
This app works with all eBay marketplaces from eBay Netherlands to eBay Spain, from eBay Switzerland to the eBay United States. Pickup only auctions have a low number of interested parties - good for you! Buy used stuff with a discount! Real bargains could be waiting. People have different...
Local Pickup Only YAMAHA STAGE CSTOM BIRCH 5-PIECE DRUM SHELL PACK $469.99Add to cart Certified USED WASHBURN MB6 6-STRING BASS W/ CASE $349.99Add to cart Certified USED WASHBURN XB100 BANTAM BASS $99.99Add to cart Certified USED
Ebay上看上一个键盘20kg左右,卖家非要local pickup only,然而我人在加拿大。谁能跑腿+邮寄,RMB700酬谢!!! 分享5赞 深圳信用吧 东京情人丶 『攻略』信用卡申请终极攻略为大家总结的信用卡全攻略的部分内容,文章将从信用卡选择、申请、额度、海淘、DCC、罚息、盗刷等12个 分享9赞 ianto吧 cokekc 资料补充...
How do I list an item with local pickup and sales tax? Sales tax is tied to shipping details. So the only way specify sales tax is to specify ShippingDetails and add a ShippingServiceOption. This means that even though you list you item for local pickup only, you have to specify a ...