LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES 会生成依赖关系,当库不存在时会去编译这个库。 LOCAL_LDFLAGS:这个编译变量传递给链接器一个一些额外的参数,比如想传递给外面的库和库路径给ld,或者传递给ld linker的一些链接参数,-On,-EL{B}(大小端字节序),那么就要加到这个上面,如: LOCAL_LDFLAGS += -L(LOCALPATH)/lib/−lHWreco...
LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES 与 LOCAL_LDLIBS,LOCAL_LDFLAGS的区别 2018-01-05 13:30 −LOCAL_LDLIBS :链接的库不产生依赖关系,一般用于不需要重新编译的库,如库不存在,则会报错找不到。且貌似只能链接那些存在于系统目录下本模块需要连接的库。如果某一个库既有动态库又有静态库,那么在默认情况下是链接的动态库而...
5.in your case, in your “mydrdoid”, if you use:LOCAL_LDLIBS := -lskia” …then, libskia.so *need not* be rebuilt. whereas, if you use:LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := libskia … then libskia.so *will* be rebuilt if there are any changes in it’s dependencies. 6.RaviY thanks for...
解决运行时库的查找问题:如果不运行ldconfig,即使库文件已经被安装到了正确的位置,运行依赖这些新库的程序时,可能会遇到找不到库文件的错误(比如error while loading shared libraries)。更新了库缓存后,这类问题通常可以得到解决。 5. 再次检查安装结果-【有了】 A:检查安装路径 检查安装路径:首先,你可以检查libeve...
This pretty much means that using libraries for common assets in a shared team setting in After Effects is ALWAYS going to be a problem. Until Adobe lets us decide where to put the library folder (i.e. a local folder on each artist's workstation that is the same...
Add local jar libraries, their sources and javadoc to a Maven project If you have pre-compiled jar files with libraries, their sources and javadoc, then you can install them to your local Maven repository like this: mvn install:install-file -Dfile=awesomeapp-1.0.1.jar \ -DpomFile=awesomeap...
[files]: /etc/resolv.conf doesn't exist in container /usr/local/bin/unsquashfs: error while loading shared libraries: libz.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory : exit status 127 FATAL: While performing build: packer failed to pack: root filesystem extraction ...
/libRokuDriver.so LOCAL_EXPORT_C_INCLUDES := $(LOCAL_PATH)/include include $(PREBUILT_SHARED_LIBRARY) #build our own C sources include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_MODULE := TestDriver LOCAL_SRC_FILES := TestDriver.c LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := RokuDriver-prebuilt include $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY) ...
Module module monitor month monty Moore mounting mounts move moved Moving moving mtab much multi munge mycryptofile names nature naught nautilus Nautilus needed Netscape never newly noauto Nobody normal note notes nothing Notice notice noting November nowadays Null null numbers obvious offer offers once...
IVsEnumLibraries2 IVsEnumNavInfoNodes IVsEnumOutputs IVsEnumSearchProviders IVsEnumSelectedSymbols IVsEnumSharedProjectReferences IVsEnumTaskItems IVsEnumWindowSearchFilters IVsEnumWindowSearchOptions IVsErrorItem IVsErrorItem2 IVsErrorList IVsExtensibility3 IVsExtensibleObject IVsExternalFilesManager IVs...