This involved long, complicated processes of finding a good company in California, choosing a donor, and receiving a delivery kept cold on dry ice to rural Michigan, where she lived. (Not that there is any shortage of cold already in Michigan in the winter.) It also involved careful ...
That's because (BIG REMINDER), there is NO CSA DELIVERY NEXT WEEK on Wednesday 11/27 or Saturday 11/30. Our kids have the whole week off from school, we have two dozen family members visiting from Saturday to Sunday, and we've finally decided after fifteen years that it's not that ...
Takes up a lot of fuel and they are on the list for a delivery. They ended up buying a generator that was gas fueled. My husband is and electrical engineer and he understands all this electrical stuff like load and how to wire it into the house with just a switch so we were in ...
They are affordable and have free delivery even to me in Oregon, WI! Each week they have many diverse options that all sound delicious, it's hard to pick only 3. I share it with a friend of mine so we each get 1 meal alone and have an excuse to get together and cook once a ...