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After the guidelines are finalised, district magistrates will be entrusted with the responsibility of implementing the reservation process. Following the completion of this process, the State Election Commission will announce the election schedule. According to government sources, Uttarakhand has a total ...
There is also enough Council-owned space for more new homes nearby between the new-ish Camberwell Library and the Magistrates Court which is earmarked for private development. The Magistrates Court developers are keen to get Southwark to flog off some of the pavement to enable a bigger ...
And as a scientist it is with these events and beliefs that Professor Elliot Smith is interested; to him the intrinsic value of the treasure in Tutankhamen’s tomb is of interest only in that it reveals conditions which existed in that “youthful nonentity’s” court and period. To him, th...
They were convicted by Karoi magistrates' courts on two counts of contravening the Electricity Act. The trial court heard that the gang was arrested at Nyamahombe Farm near Karoi on June 29, 2020 for vandalism and theft of aluminium conductors. ...