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Review Recency: One of the first things a search engine crawler will notice is review recency. Reviews from recent dates are favored more than old reviews as they are indicative that the business is still operational and is doing a great job of pleasing its customers. Older reviews still have...
Local Search Queries Consumers leverage search engines like Google to discover businesses situated near their location. Search terms might include variations of "best plumber near me" or "Italian restaurants downtown." Local Search Ranking Factors Search engines consider many factors to determine which ...
阅读理解I got a part-time job working at the local coffee shop. I had thought that the job would be easy. I pictured myself pouring the best coffee and becoming close friends with the regular customers. But I couldn't seem to please anyone. There was always too much sugar, too little...
Find jobs near you JobGet leverages AI for skill-based matching, delivering a comprehensive job search for openings that are near you. Apply Now Explore company reviews Explore authentic company reviews shared by other users. Get a sense of the work culture, environment, benefits, and more bef...
Here’s an example of a car body repair shop that does a great job of picking relevant business categories: You can tell if you’ve done a good job because Google provides a profile strength score. You can see it in the search results for your business when signed into Google: ...
Job Prospects There is an extreme need for more licensed addiction psychiatrist due to the growing number of people suffering with addiction and substance abuse disorders. The patient population is undeserved, and an increase in mandates for addiction treatment from federal and local governments and th...
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But finding and fixing errors is only one part of the job. You’ve also got to make sure you are using the right Schema for your website. For local businesses, it’s theLocalBusiness Schema. There are countless LocalBusiness types to choose from, and your actual business’ type must mat...