目前使用encoder-based方法的implicit function无法表示高保真图像,这可能是由于只用一个简单的latent code完全encode图像的所有细节比较困难。 因此本文提出用一组encode来表示一个图像,即Local Implicit Image Function(LIIF) 具体来说就是,对于给定的坐标,根据坐标信息查询该坐标附近的局部latent codes作为函数输入,预测其R...
Learning Continuous Image Representation with Local Implicit Image Function(阅读笔记)11.03 局部隐式图像函数(LIIF)表示连续中的图像,可以以任意高分辨率表示。 摘要:如何表示图像?当视觉世界以连续的方式呈现时,机器用二维像素数组以离散的方式存储和观看图像。本文中,试图学习图像的连续表示。受隐式神经表示在三维重建...
设图像I有对应的2D特征图M∈R^(H*W*D),定义local implicit image function(LIIF)为f: 其中,s为输出的RGB值,θ为f的参数,z为M中的特征向量,x为所查询位置的2D坐标。 因此,根据f,对任意位置x_q,其重构的RGB 值为: 其中,z*为离x_q最近的特征向量,v*为z*对应的坐标。上式记为(1)式。 2)特征...
由于坐标是连续的,因此LIIF可以适应任意分辨率。 In this paper, we propose the Local Implicit Image Function (LIIF) for representing natural and complex images in a continuous manner. In LIIF, an image is represented as a set of latent codes distributed in spatial dimensions. Given a coordinate, ...
Learning Continuous Image Representation with Local Implicit Image Function Yinbo Chen,Sifei Liu,Xiaolong Wang CVPR 2021 (Oral) The project page with video is athttps://yinboc.github.io/liif/. Citation If you find our work useful in your research, please cite: ...
Learning Continuous Image Representation with Local Implicit Image Functiondoi:10.1109/CVPR46437.2021.00852Yinbo ChenSifei LiuXiaolong WangIEEEComputer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Shi. Ultrasr: Spatial encoding is a missing key for implicit image function-based arbitrary-scale super-resolution. CoRR, abs/2103.12716, 2021. 3 [35] Y.-T. Liu, Y.-C. Guo, and S.-H. Zhang. Enhancing multi- scale implicit learning in image super-res...
Learning Local Implicit Fourier Representation for Image Warping In this paper, we propose a local texture estimator for image warping (LTEW) followed by an implicit neural representation to deform images into continuous shapes. Local tex-tures estimated from a deep super-resolution (SR) backbone ....
types such as those used with group operations. In the following query, the type of the query variable isIEnumerable<IGrouping<string, Student>>. As long as you and others who must maintain your code understand this, there is no problem with using implicit typing for convenience and brevity....
这篇paper主要讲了如何用local guassian function + residual 表示一个3D几何体。 https://arxiv.org/abs/1912.06126