Set debug to true in the config and you'll get debugging info logged to the console [runtime] debug = true enableLogging = false You can view active connections by going tohttp://<your host>/tunnelmole-connections?password=<password from config>. The password is under the server config ...
10,验证是否有对应的topic&是否有数据 cd confluent-7.0.1/bin// 验证是否有对应topickafka-topics--bootstrap-server localhost:9092--list// 验证topic中是否有数据,avro反序列化后的信息kafka-avro-console-consumer--bootstrap-server localhost:9092--topic test_avro.table_name_1--from-beginning===>{"bef...
On secure clusters,certain pages of the DB Consolecan only be accessed byadminusers. Run thecockroach sqlcommand against node 1: $cockroach sql--certs-dir=certs--host=localhost:26257 Assignmaxto theadminrole (you only need to do this once): ...
Event ID: 1280 Server 2012 RDS - web app fail on second session host Event ID: 1309 ASP.NET on Gateway Server Event ID: 1309 Source: ASP.NET 4.0.30319.0 Remote Desktop Services Gateway Server Event ID: 2048 "The Remote Desktop Connection Broker server detected that the database is not a...
defaultZone: http://localhost:8761/eureka/ instance: instance-id: ${}:${server.port} prefer-ip-address: true zuul: routes: spring-cloud-provider-service-simple: path: /provider/** url: forward:/client serviceId: spring-cloud-provider-service-simple add-host-header: true...
How can you connect to CONSOLE on Windows 2012 remotely? How do I add an additional RD Session Host? (2012 R2) How do I allow more than 2 RDP sessions to a Windows Server 2012 How do I change the URL to the Remote Web Access server in Windows Server 2012? how do i connect to a...
-"8081:8086" depends_on: -app environment: -LABEL_STUDIO_HOST=${LABEL_STUDIO_HOST:-} #Optional: Specify SSL termination certificate & key #Just drop your cert.pem and cert.key into folder 'deploy/nginx/certs' #- NGINX_SSL_CERT=/certs/cert.pem ...