Reduced (blue) or oxidised (red) HSP27 was added at either high (≥10 μM) concentrations (a, d, g) where it is predominantly oligomeric or low (≤1 μM) concentrations (b, e, h) where a large fraction of dimers (oxidised) or monomers (reduced) are populated. The y axes were ...
The semantic seAgvmeernatgaetioInoUresults on S3DIS datOasvete.rall Accuracy PointNet M[11et]hod ProposedPmoientthNoedt [11] Proposed method Ave4ra7g.7e1IoU 4479..7014 49.04 Overall Accur7a8c.y62 78.62 79.57 79.57 (a) Conference (b) Pantry (c) Office (d) Office 2 FFiigguurree 77...
Extinction Is not an Option; State of Washington, Governor's Salmon Recovery Office: Olympia, WA, USA, 1999; p. 396. 61. Quinn, T.P. The Behavior and Ecology of Pacific Salmon and Trout; American Fisheries Society: Bethesda, MD, USA, 2005. 62. Washington State University. Columbia ...
Vietnam 2 NPO Ecology and Regional Culture Studies Association, Ohmihachiman 523-0821, Japan * Correspondence: Citation: Tran, T.T.; Takahashi, K.; Nishikawa, H.; Nguyen, V.H.T.; Hoang, T.T.; Nguyen, T.H.T.; Dau, T.K.; Vo, V.T.; Tran, D.D....
MTRhsCeMabt sothxa-et wsthhheoirsstkh—eor(rSpt—Tlo)t,(sSmTree)p,drmieusemedn—iut t(mhMe—Tv)(aMarinTadb) iallointnydgbl-oteetnrwgm-etee(nLrmTth)e(uL1nT3d)ReuCrnMtdheesr(RtthhCeePw4R.hC5iPsak4ne.d5rsRainCnddPi8Rc.aC5tePsc8teh.5neasmrcieionnsia.mrTiuohmse. baTonhxde- ...