University of Akron gets almost $5.5M in federal grants for tech projects 8h Andrea Rose Teodosio Memorial Foundation art auction returns to Akron soon Today in Ohio The ICE raids have begun. What will Donald Trump’s immigration policy mean in Ohio?
D.C. Has Stiffed Nonprofits That Run Key Housing Programs, Causing Financial Chaos It’s the latest in a long line of problems for the Department of Human Services. Grants to help homeless kids are now in jeopardy. byAlex Koma For D.C. Cop Who Pleaded Guilty To Drunk Driving, MPD Over...
(Note: Federal grants were made on an 80% Federal – 20% local match basis. The actual amount of the grant was $3.5 million, of which Ann Arbor must provide $700,000.) Tough going The communications with the FRA were evidently difficult as the City attempted to get approval of the ...