Change management in local government is key for progress and efficiency. It helps to identify what is needed, involves stakeholders, and uses digital tools to make the process easier. Successful examples from local governments in Australia show that having a clear vision, good communication, and c...
Thomas, I.G., 2010. Environmental Policy and Local Governments in Australia, Local Environment, 15(2): 121-136.Thomas, I. G., (2010), `Environmental Policy and Local Government in Australia', Local Environment, 15(2), pp. 121-136....
This study examines the impact of organisational culture on strategic change in local governments in Australia. The findings indicate that strategic change is affected by two organisational culture factors, innovation and attention to detail. This study contributes to the management accounting contingency ...
Local Governments in Australia are becoming more involved in the area of energy efficiency. The Southern Downs Regional Council in Queensland is an example of a council that is just beginning to move in this direction. There are several benefits to implementing energy efficiency measures in governme...
AI is starting to help local governments optimize traffic flows. It can be used to reveal driving patterns, dynamically reset traffic signals to prevent long backups, identify roads that need repairs, and aid in scheduling road work to minimize traffic disruptions. In Australia, certain localities...
Australia has a federal system of government in which there is a national government and six state governments. The national government is also known as the federal, Commonwealth or Australian government. Local government is controlled by state governments. They have the power to establish and ...
AI is starting to help local governments optimize traffic flows. It can be used to reveal driving patterns, dynamically reset traffic signals to prevent long backups, identify roads that need repairs, and aid in scheduling road work to minimize traffic disruptions. In Australia, certain localities...
assistance is inequitable; that while this methodology may have accommodated population differentials in the past, it will become ever-more problematic as population ageing proceeds, causing some local governments to be underor over-compensated by contrast with their similarly-aged counterparts in other ...
2022b). The public sector, including local governments, is one of them (De Sousa, de Melo, Bermejo, Farias, & Gomes, 2019; Nili, Desouza, & Yigitcanlar, 2022; Yigitcanlar, Agdas and Degirmenci, 2022, Yigitcanlar, Li, Inkinen and Paz, 2022). Nonetheless, there is limited understanding...
Public sector reforms in Australia have been promoted as ensuring efficiencies and accountability. As a response to these reform requirements, Australian local governments publically provide documented plans regarding service provision. While these documented plans may generally be perceived as value-neutral,...