Their present position in the structure of local government is the result of historical growth in which the new ordinance is an important landmark. The author, who is administrative officer in the territory, examines this historical growth from the time British administration started in Uganda.J. ...
Individual citizens and local government/policy-makers are the major stakeholders, who need to work in harmony to achieve the goals of waste handling. There should be a behavioral mind-set change at the individual level to take moral responsibility for lesser waste generation to protect the ...
Of Government Administration 13Box 3.1 Shows the Additional Powers of PRIs in Schedule V Areas 15Box 3.2 Powers and Functions Devolved from the Gram Panchayat to TheGramSabha 18 Table4.1 Numberof PRIs inNarsimhapurandBetulDistricts 21Table 4.2 Caste and Gender of Panchayat Representatives in Betul...
Part 1 Comparing systems of local government: the French model - dual supervision the German model - general subsidiarization the Soviet model - dual subordination the British model - functional regulation mixed systems. Part 2 Comparing features of local government: centre-local relations and ...
It focuses on Urganda, where research has had a high profile in the government`s Poverty Eradication Action Plan, particularly through the Uganda National Household Survey (UNHS), and the Uganda Participatory Poverty Assessment Programme (UPPAP). The paper examines the methodology and impact of ...
Using a difference-in-differences strategy, the results indicate that citizens living near an active mine are less likely to approve government performance in key public goods and services – including health, job creation and improving living standards of the poor. On the moderating role of local...
In Kisumu, local brew dens and porn video halls facilitate risky sexual encounters between youth. These places should be regulated and monitored by the government. Our study strongly points to female vulnerabilities and the role of men in perpetuating the local epidemic. Young men should be target...
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 348 3rd Asia-Pacific Research in Social Sciences and Humanities (APRiSH 2018) Effect of Budget Discretion on Corruption Level and Public Accountability: Evidence from Local Indonesian Government Annisa Febrian Master's Degree Student ...
In Kisumu, local brew dens and porn video halls facilitate risky sexual encounters between youth. These places should be regulated and monitored by the government. Our study strongly points to female vulnerabilities and the role of men in perpetuating the local epidemic. Young men should be target...
This paper extends the key findings of Kruger & Dunning (1999), which shows that people who are unskilled in a given domain tend to be unaware of their lack of skills, to government circle that is supposed to be filled by professionals. This paper compared individual government officials芒鈧...