In subject area: Earth and Planetary Sciences Local Government Policy refers to the decisions and actions taken by local governments to allocate policy resources and achieve specific goals, such as those related to climate governance. These policies are influenced by the tradeoffs between central and ...
Phelim Bolger: Why infrastructure investments should power ahead in 2025 Decarbonisation, digitisation and deglobalisation present strong tailwinds for Local Government Pension Scheme… Borough’s zero pension contribution rate ‘not a precedent’
This article examines the political pressures affecting local government reorgan isation in Scotland. It highlights conflicts over reform between local and central government, within political parties and within the local government environment itself. It concludes that such tensions are inevitable in any...
2023). In the education systems where policy initiatives are legitimated with PISA, those initiatives may not make fundamental changes to the system (Bringeland,2022) or localise some PISA concepts to make it compatible with domestic policy purposes...
Public administration in the UK is hierarchically structured with Central Government and the devolved administrations of Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales forming the top tier, a complex structure of 408 ‘local authorities’ (also termed ‘councils’) at the second tier and over 10,000 parish ...
Local environments and older people’s health: Dimensions from a comparative qualitative study in Scotland Health & Place, 14 (2) (2007), pp. 299-312, 10.1016/j.healthplace.2007.07.001 Google Scholar Delbosc, 2012 A. Delbosc The role of wellbeing in transport policy Transport Policy, 23 ...
Also, the funding support from Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC), Nigeria (under the platform of Overseas Postgraduate Scholarship backed by Abia State Government), and the support of Standards Organisation of Nigeria (SON), Abuja, Nigeria are well appreciated. CRediT authorship contribution ...
This legacy presents its own specific set of challenges in the management of catchment areas in rural Scotland. Various approaches have been implemented: government agencies rely on regulatory and advisory approaches to catchment management, but the success of these approaches depends entirely on complian...
electricity is expected to become the dominant vector for sustainable energy services in the UK, extending beyond conventional use in power and lighting and moving into charging electric vehicles, cooking and keeping homes warm by replacing gas-heating with electric heat-pumps (HM Government, 2020)....
charity/non-profit, industry and government publications were also included. In order to aid in the identification of grey literature sources, generic non-academic search engines were also used (Google, Bing). Upon the review of the identified documents, a number of common themes were identified....