Government is the barrier, or at the very least, holds the barriers to livable communities. My second belief is that government will be asked to be the focal agent to destroy those barriers. We could be facilitators of such change. The Local Government Commission and SCAG know...
The Los Angeles City Ethics Commission was established with voters' approval in 1990 to protect the integrity of city government and elections, dealing with issues such as campaign finance and lobbying. This amendment would increase financial penalties imposed by the commission from $5,000 p...
Local government information technologyCIOY2KERPsystems developmentposition reclassificationdata center consolidationThe author provides a recounting and analysis of his experience for the past decade as Chairman of the Information Systems Commission of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervis...
Under its Sept. 26 decision, which was approved on a 3-1 vote, the commission ruled that phone companies can be charged no more than $270 to install each small-cell antenna, a device about the size of a pizza box that transmit 5G wireless signals. It also imposed a 60-day limit on ...
(LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMISSION, 2004, p. 1) This local government association in the United States holds a specific interpretation of the kind of local and regional development it considers appropriate and valu- able. Particular interpretations differ from place to place and evolve over time. To ...
The Commission on London Governance was formed in 2004 with the remit to examine the workings of all aspects of government in the capital and recommend an outline for reform. Since then the 2004 Greater London Authority elections have intervened and the subsequent reduction in Labour representation ...
A group of 36 local elected officials, mostly mayors, sent aletterto the Federal Communications Commission on Thursday criticizingits effortsto undercut their jurisdictions’ oversight of 5G deployment. Additionally, independent researcher RVA LLC surveyed 176 local government employees and found 44 percen...
Local enforcement authoritymeans any officer or agency oflocal governmentresponsible forthe implementation orenforcement ofland-use andbuilding regulationsestablished by orpursuant to the"State Uniform ConstructionCode Act," P.L.1975, c.217 (C.52:27D-119 et seq.) or the "Municipal Land Use Law,...
We worked to identify the individual in the local government that would have knowledge of the plan by focusing on relevant departments and identifying the responsible official/ADA coordinator. This was typically the public works, engineering, or building departments. In some cases, we started with ...
The Los Angeles County Experience: A Field Study of Information Technology Issues Challenging Local Government The author provides a recounting and analysis of his experience for the past decade as Chairman of the Information Systems Commission of the Los Angeles Co... Raoul J. Freeman - Journal ...