It may well be that the rendering engine does not recognise the boundaries for the local government areas you mention, because it does not fit into the schematic of how Microsoft / Bing breaks things down. They don't have much tolerance for non-US data. If I want t...
Therefore, it is the responsibility of each nation-state to both recognize and respect the sovereignty of all IPLC within their respective boundaries. Unfortunately, many nation-states fail to acknowledge or recognize self-identified Indigenous Peoples or Local communities, and so these communities are...
It is unclear if podiatric foot care for people with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in New South Wales (NSW) meets current clinical recommendations. The objective of this study was to survey podiatrists’ perceptions of the nature of podiatric foot care provision for people who have RA in NSW. Met...
For Cape Town and Washington D.C., in order to have boundaries close to reported city area in inventory literature (Additional file1: Table S3), we used instead the boundaries from Municipal Demarcation Board [46] and Washington D.C. government open datasets [47] separately....
6.Center for Tech and Civic Life: The Center for Tech and Civic Life is a non-profit organization that looks at ways that technology can modernize how local government engages with the people it serves, and vice versa 7. Brigade: is an “ideas-based” social network that will asks for ...
1 993) into government policies and programme.Further· 111 C hine s e Jo urna l of Po pu la t io n,R e s ou rc e s a n d Env iron m e nt V o1.1 0 No.1 Ma rc h 2 0 1 2 mo re the ro le and effe ctiv eness of lo cal institutio ns and tra. ditiona l...
sustainability Article Journey towards Renewable Energy for Sustainable Development at the Local Government Level: The Case of Hessequa Municipality in South Africa Elaine Fouché 1,* and Alan Brent 1,2 1 Department of Industrial Engineering and the Centre for Renewable and Sustainable Energy Studies,...
on extensively managed or semi-abandoned farmland near ridges Single trees on cropland n/a Very rare; dispersed alongside roads or field boundaries; few remnant trees near houses, established during post-colonial French settlement Commonly retained in hedgerows along field boundaries; few remnant trees...
The mask is used during localization to force consistency between the other geography data at land-water boundaries. Land fraction is derived from the landuse data using the water category, with valid values ranging continuously between 0.0 and 1.0. The global albedo climatology database has less ...
(33.9%、.Mainactivitiescarriedoutbylocalinstitutionswhich directlycontributetothesustainabilityofforestreserveinclude: forestpatrols,fireextinguish,preparationoffirebreaks,plant— ingoftreesalongtheforestboundaries,creationofawareness, arrestingofforestdefaulters,participationinincomegeneration activities.Forthepurposeof...