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Nissan, 1985, p. 197. The first truck rolled out in June 1983. Immediately afterward, the US government announced a reduction on tariffs on pickup trucks from 25% back down to 8%. This damaged the Kyushu plant’s exports of pickup trucks. 26. NikkeiBusiness Daily(Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun),...
certainly the granting or denying of a permit is an act which a governmental authority 'carries out.' Accordingly, we construe the phrase following 'project' to mean only that before an environmental impact report becomes required the government must have some minimal link with the activity, eithe...
As the U.S. began to concentrate its economic power toward mobile war operations, the government enacted the Protective Mobilization Plan, in which the National Guard would be inducted into federal service. This gave the Army a protective force of 400,000 troops, which could protect the nation...
However, indirectly the legal ability space to enter into a contract is limited for some tenants of social housing by the Dutch Rental Subsidy Act 1997: tenants whose income qualifies them for a monthly government rental subsidy (<€34,911 a year), can only receive this subsidy while they ...
Local Government Cooperation for Joint Provision: The Experiences of Brazil and Spain with Inter-Municipal Consortia. In The Challenge of Local Government Size. Theoretical Perspectives, International Experience, and Policy Reform; Lago-Peñas, S., Martinez-Vazquez, J., Eds.; Edward Elgar: ...
The analysis, also, revealed that the local government (at the time of the competition) was not prepared to step into the policy entrepreneur’s role and mobilise grassroots support. Building on the collaborative and participatory mechanisms literature for planning and implementation, supported by ...
Using the results of a survey on satisfaction with various aspects of the commune’s functioning, we analyzed the average level of satisfaction in each category of residents (see Table 4). The contentment referred to public spheres shaped by local government in the rural commune, such as health...
In the 1950s and 1960s, Northwest Coast textile arts did not have coordinated investment for economic development from government or private interests to build infrastructure for production and promotion that would generate artistic and market value. These local conditions differed from those surrounding...
The gastronomic values of a region act as an important attraction element for tourists visiting that region and are effective in revisiting the region [9]. The interest of gastronomy tourists in local cuisine has been analyzed in five dimensions: cultural experience, excitement, interpersonal dialog,...