It mentions that the case focused on how the Act can, and should, pertain to children being taken into care. The case involved a young child that Darlington Borough Council wished to take into the custody of the local authorities, away from the parents....
Common Objects: Think Global, Act Local. The adage "Think global, act local," exhorts individuals to change the world starting with actions within ones local community. The research challenges for data management for molecular and cell biology can be similarly addressed. Local ... CJ Stoeckert...
Noted Local Singing Troupe Goes National with a Capella Act
Scholars have recognized a host of factors that can potentially affect local government decisions regarding DRR and adaptation, which we grouped into the categories of capacities, governance, leadership, and political factors, and summarize in Figure 2. Despite increased attention to institutional ...
Therefore, in 2004, the Emilia Romagna government issued the first Renewable Energy Act. The Act prioritised energy efficiency and renewable energy production [105] in response to the pressing demands of the agriculture sector and the first national law on renewable energy [89]. It also assigned ...