There, in a 6 x 9 foot frame on the wall, were those two infa- mous cherubs. One looks heavenward; they both look ready for mischief. These two are everywhere. Still I laughed to see them in Penney's. But they made me think about th popularity of angels. Walkin. past lipstick ...
rFeisrsetalyr,cahl,l tbhuesisneelsescetsioinntohfe bstuusdinyesses ianrfelaucauurneewlitantusecwrr(eaeeedl.rgisedh.i,tieoedhnswoetontietrftlhiisafiee,cdebted,iovn,maimttriiadreapeispnpf(pgieeee.hdgdldo.,aaucrnnsuededslsteg)ug,arrro(raoicuilu)hphrpeeweedrsidtatiaasnuigtncroeoatofsnno...
and ℎ 13: 14: areLTehdfryte=nshaTomhldriec=shp(oTalhrdaremsheoteldrs+tRhiagthct)h>an>g1e along with each threshold value adjustment. These two 15: paIrFam(Leetfet r=s=aTrherepsrhiomlda)rily used to increase or reduce the threshold value, thus increasing or 16: reduEcNinDg tWheH...
The methodology offers a heuristic approach with several near-optimal partitions, calculated by the Occam's window, that capture the uncertainty that is inherent when considering intangible aspects (AHP). This uncertainty is also reflected in the graphs that show the similarities of the decision-...
For doped semiconducting STO, the observed soft transvAerrseevoiepwticoznotnheecmenotderelmisogdievehnasinbe[e4n5,4s6h]o.wFnortodohpareddesnemwitchonindcurcetaisnigngSTcaOr,ritehrecoobnsceernvteradtisoonft [4tr9a]n, savnedrsaeloinpetiacrzroenlaeticoenntbeertmwoedene hcarsrbieerecnosnhcoewnt...