THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES BOOK I GENERAL PROVISIONS TITLE ONE. - BASIC PRINCIPLES CHAPTER 1. - THE CODE: POLICY AND APPLICATION SECTION 1. Title. - This Act shall be known and cited as the "Local Government Code of 1991". SEC. 2. Declaration of Policy. - (a) It ...
Organic tag opens new European markets for Araku Valley coffee farmers The Girijan Cooperative Corporation is trying to fetch better price by marketing coffee in different grades, so that better sale value is realised, says the Managing Director ...
What part of the world does irrigation affect and is it a local, national, or global issue?Irrigation:Irrigation is defined as transporting water for the purpose of supplying it to crops or other plants. We often think of farmers as using irrigation, but technicall...
Implementation of Fairtrade at the Early Stage and Its Impact on Sustainable Supply Chain South Halmahera as one regency in North Maluku Province has a potential to increase the prosperity of the people with the agricultural sector. The problem of this sector in North Maluku is the farmers and ...
Traditional knowledge shifted to include a commercial one, as the case of growing quinoa in the Andean region demonstrates (López García, 2017); with the participation of external factors, such as NGOs and the public administration, the traditional life of local farmers has changed but informal...
Trans Nzoia witnessed an influx of people from diverse Kenyan cultures who then settled in the former White Highlands as new farmers or farm workers. Maize and dairy farming contributes largely to the economy of Trans Nzoia County and the area has long been referred as the ‘food basket’ of...
especially in agriculture and food practices. Notably, a few older farmers continue to rely on the traditional ecological calendar, known aspranata wangsa, to guide their rice cultivation practices. The Rancakalong people highly value the interaction between humans, nature, and God, placing particular...
The Common Agricultural Policy: A Partnership between Europe and Farmers Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg (2012), 10.2762/31102 Google Scholar Finlayson, 2006 A. Finlayson Political science, political idea...
However, measuring the income contribution of farmer members from the assistance of ACs operations is not easy; however, farmers are beneficial to ACs operations [9]. During the late 19th century, modern ACs were initially established in Europe and were widely introduced in industrializing nations...
Culinary heritage stakeholders are a diverse group that includes visitors as well as farmers, gardeners, chefs and families, who share this heritage as a birthright [8]. An interesting view is presented by Hatchuel et al. [9], who believe that culinary heritage is both the ability to “...