intellectual level of local people and ethnic minority groups so that people can be self-aware and aware that forest protection is a common responsibility. To realize the goal of sustainable development, the Central Highlands needs to have a strategic vision, build a comprehensive and long-term de...
157f,rtohme soElqv.a b(i6li)tyacnodndγit =io n0 , while leads to α = k(k − 2)/(k − 4)2 the following stochastic and inte- gral equation: d∆(t) = − ε1 /2 ∫−+∞∞ (ξ) dW (ξ − ct, t) ∫−...
Thermal and comfort sensations showed a large improvement in feet and a small to moderate improvement in the whole body for both sex groups in MARHT. It was concluded that MARHT is effective in improving local thermal comfort in the feet. A sleeping bag is an essential textile product that ...
The Central Highlands is also the most diverse region in terms of ethnic composition in Vietnam, with 54 ethnic groups, of which 2,199,784 are ethnic minorities, accounting for 37.65% of the whole region's population. 54,470 km2, accounting for 1/6 of the area of Vietnam (baochinhphu...
Each of these groups contains specific variables that were likely to be addressed in the previous plan evaluation studies. Plans are usually more rigorous and comprehensive when sufficient planning efforts, such as human, technical, and expertise resources, are provided [28,46,47]. The plan's ...
.4B.oBokooinkging FroFmrom242646rerceocrodrsdsexetxrtaractcetedd,,tthhrreeee wweerree oouuttssiiddee ooff tthheeaarreeaaooffKKoosisciececictyit,ya, nadndfivfievedudpulipclaitceastes (in(dinivdiidvuidaullayllcyocmommmunuinciactaetdedththeemmee-d-deessigignneeddrroooommss ooff aallrreea...
hoetmionotsiotantestate of,,herttamehhmm...
2017, 6, 307 10 of 15 We classified the significant LCLQs into five groups based on the intensities (i.e., values of the LCLQ). Each group has been assigned a specific color for readability of the results. The dark blue portions of the bars in Figure 4 show the percentages of the ...
Variable Selection and Description To further study the impact of population factors on carbon emissions in Guangdong Province, this study extends the STIRPAT model, divides the indicators related to popu- lation factors into five groups, and introduces the STIRPAT model [44]. First, the number of...
mathematics Article Identification of Homogeneous Groups of Actors in a Local AHP-Multiactor Context with a High Number of Decision-Makers: A Bayesian Stochastic Search Alfredo Altuzarra , Pilar Gargallo , José María Moreno-Jiménez * and Manuel Salvador Grupo Decisión Multicriterio Zaragoza (GDMZ...