Interstellar GasMolecular SpectroscopySpatial DistributionAngular DistributionGamma Ray AstronomyGas DensityHydrogen CloudsSouthern HemisphereCOS-B data in the latitude range 11° 19° show the gamma-ray intensity to be closely correlated with the total line-of-sight absorption derived from galaxy counts. ...
Daily latest news related to Iranian's oil, gas & petrochemical tenders with subjects of Refineries & Petrochemical Complexes, Equipments & Materials, Oil Pipeline & Storages, Oil & Gas Fields, Manufacturing & Services
The Fund does not currently commit to invest in fossil gas and/or nuclear energy related activities that comply with the EU Taxonomy, however, these investments may form part of the portfolio. The Fund does not commit to making investments in transitional and enabling activities, however...
In this work, the main aims of the present study are to conduct the research in relation to the influence of rigid-flexible combination STRs on mixing performance in gas-liquid mixing process. The rigid-flexible combination impeller was applied to improve the flow field distribution. Then, a ...
The Fund does not currently commit to invest in fossil gas and/or nuclear energy related activities that comply with the EU Taxonomy, however, these investments may form part of the portfolio. The Fund does not commit to making investments in transitional and enabling activities, however, these ...
Momentum distribution and non-local high order correlation functions of 1D strongly interacting Bose gas 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 29 作者:N Ejkp,XW Guan 摘要: The Lieb-Liniger model is a prototypical integrable model and has been turned into the benchmark physics in theoretical and ...
select article Optimal aggregation of a virtual power plant based on a distribution-level market with the participation of bounded rational agents Research articleAbstract only Optimal aggregation of a virtual power plant based on a distribution-level market with the participation of bounded rational agen...
CH4as the main component of natural gas, possesses a good compatibility with the existing infrastructure for storage, distribution, and consumption18,19,20. Then, electrocatalytic conversion of CO2into CH4offers an entrancing opportunity to both storing renewable electric energy and utilizing CO2emissio...
In conclusion, this paper uses as controls the policies of the “National Big Data Comprehensive Pilot Zone”, “Broadband Pilot Zone in China”, and “Smart City Pilot Zone” during the same period. As seen from the results in Table 2, the results remain robust after the above interference...
The Equitable Distribution of Security Expenditure in Local Gas Supply SystemsIt is the engineer's natural tendency to build into gas supply systems, security against mechanical failure. This can be done either by the provision of spare capacity in alternative means of supply or by the duplication...