If the public schools are broken, it behooves us to fix them. Us. As in people. Why are we letting our government leaders, including President Obama and Governor Kasich, do an end run around getting into the nuts and bolts of fixing inadequate public schools (think charter schools, think...
Remember that Ann Arbor’ City Council established a $5 fine for possession of marijuana, followed by a popular vote for an amendment to the City Charter, all at a time where possession of marijuana could get you jail time in most places. “Part of the origin of the Hash Bash was the ...
Then you could take in the Golden Gate Bridge from the water. This catamaran cruise by Adventure Cat Sailing Charters, for example, allows you to see the bridge in all its glory up close and personal.Since SF is often windy, don’t expect a gentle sightseeing granny cruise.With...
Albert Cuyp Market: Talking about storks, head to the famous local Albert Cuyp market around closing time. This is when many gigantic seagulls and a few dozen storks take over the street in search of leftover fish, and they are oddly unafraid of humans coming near. The market is open from...
public comments, James Kahan, mentioned Arrow's Impossibility Theorem. I don't know if the Charter Commission discussed it, and ranked-choice voting survived for the mayor's and auditor's seats but not for the city council. What did survive for the city council is akludge- a collection of...
So here is the problem. Just as UM has occupied more and more of the land area of the City of Ann Arbor, so also it has increased enrollment steadily. Since the land supply within the City is inelastic because of the limits on annexation, this has created a very hot market both for ...