Working Capital Send by email Save to PDF A type of loan that provides funds for no specific purpose, commonly used to boost a company’s cash position whether in the short, medium or long term. This product is extremely flexible in terms of volumes, rates, terms, guarantees and modus ...
英文:Good working capital management is crucial for the ongoing operation of a business. 中文:这家公司的营运资金短缺,导致它无法及时支付供应商。英文:The company's shortage of working capital led to its inability to pay suppliers in a timely manner. 中文:为了增加营运资金...
But making tough choices now is better than losing business to Virginia and Maryland. Kudos to the Washington Post for recognizing (again!) that tax increases are the wrong approach. Too bad they don’t apply the same logic when looking at the federal government’s finances. But I guess a...
The Financing of Local Government in China: Stimulus Loan Wanes and Shadow Banking Waxes∗ Zhuo Chen Zhiguo He June 2017 Chun Liu Abstract China's four-trillion-yuan stimulus package fueled by bank loans in 2009 has led to the rapid growth of sha...
We hope to achieve this through working with the education community, local workforce partners, community-based organizations, and area businesses. a skilled workforce with 21st century skills is critical for individual and metropolitan prosperity as well as business success. Therefore, the quality of ...
We will allow extensions to eligible guarantee loans for business startups, and see that such loans provide support to more groups by making them more accessible to self-employed individuals, taxi drivers and others affected by the outbreak. We will continue to stimulate the vitality of market ...
What Influences Working Capital Management? A Survey of New York Local Government Financial OfficersLofton, Michelle L.Municipal Finance Journal
Meet some of our colleagues working to accelerate nature conservation and strengthen local economies. Alejandra Carson, a McKinsey business analyst based in Bogota, Colombia, traveled to various communities to understand their needs. She explained that through use of geospatial data from McKinsey,...
TFs present a novel, actionable, and scalable solution that meets the size of the global talent shortage—the combined cost of which is in the trillions of dollars. These funds come with a clear business case for action and do not rely on changes in visa regulations to scale. They complemen...
There are a host of financial options available to help SMEs. The Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS) has been open since March 23rd and offers access to loans and overdrafts of up to £5 million. This scheme aims to ensure smaller businesses receive low repayments and no...