An example is the occurrence of itinerant magnetism of the heavy quasi-particles, which is characterized by extremely small static magnetic moments (of the order of 1×10−3 μB). Figure 1 exhibits the depolarization rate of μSR spectra obtained in zero-applied field for the heavy-fermion ...
The local search server searches a local information database for information about a business and reports the information about the business to the client that requested it. Sometimes, the database lacks complete information for the business. For example, the database might be missing the street ...
You may supplypenaltyandtemperatureto the model toprevent potential repetitions, for example: --max-gen-tokensparameter is used to control the maximum output tokens per chat response. The value will be set to 1/5 of max_sequence_len by default. ...
Additionally, we filtered supervoxels in regions in which the average affinites were lower than a predefined value (for example, glia). Supervoxels were agglomerated using one of two merge functions28, to produce the region adjacency graphs used for evaluation. We then produced segmentations for...
For example: Passes with the DR sternum substitution tradition chest, the inspection time short, the clarity high, the inspection effect fine, the beam dosage small, harms slightly to the human body; The color ultra uses the American General Company GE brand color ultra equipment, the clarity ...
“Variable Neighborhood Search: Basics and Variants.” EURO Journal on Computational Optimization 5 (3): 423–454. (Open in a new window)Web of Science ®(Open in a new window)Google Scholar Heinrici, A. 1994. “A Comparison between Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search with an Example ...
Example:n-queens Putnqueensonann×nboardwith notwoqueensonthesamerow, column,ordiagonal Notethatastatecannotbeanincompleteconfigurationwithm Hill-climbingsearch:8-queens problem h=numberofpairsofqueensthatareattackingeachother,either directlyorindirectly(h=17fortheabovestate) Eachnumberindicateshifwemove aqu...
There is a great example of this scenario in the dive community of Ito (Chiba), Japan, namely at the “Ito Diving Service Bommie,” where on any given day of the year, congregations of 300 to 400 houndsharks can be seen. Members of fishing industry in Ito had been faced with an ...
For CNAMEs,", "required": false }, "AWS_S3_UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE": { "description": "Maximum file upload size in bytes", "value": "26214400", "required": false }, "AWS_S3_FORCE_PATH_STYLE": { "description": "Use path-style URL's for connecting to ...
An Oregon woman’s nude cellphone photos ended up the talk of town. She tracked it back to the DA Grant County District Attorney Jim Carpenter's search of the phone without a warrant was “a troubling example of the intrusion on Fourth Amendment ... 3h agoMaxine Bernstein Shotgun-...