Cities that do so over and over again are at greater risk of the kind of bankruptcy faced by New York in the late 1970s and Detroit in 2013. …Before Mr. de Blasio adds billions to the city’s debt sheet…he needs to find savings. …The city’s budget grew under Mr. de Blasio,...
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Business Bankruptcy Consumer Bankruptcy Family Law Alimony / Spousal Support Divorce Child Support Divorce Mediation Adoption Property Division Prenuptial and Marital Agreements Child Custody / Visitation Estate and Probate Law
It is humiliating enough to have to file bankruptcy, and now for them to take all that we have. There is no savings, no 401k, no life insurance…just a roof over my head, and my people… The local craft brewery people have been amazing throughout the past almost 15 months. I think...
"Great service and timely, rang me at the exact appointment time. Gave clear answers and did not magnify or minimize information. Was knowledgeable and effectively communicated tax rules beyond my every day understanding. Well worth the consultation fee." ...