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Friday, September 3 is a good time to pay a visit to the Monterey Club in FTL who’s “rockabilly” ambiance is perfect for the bands playing – Laramie Dean, No Class Action, and To Be Hated. read more Dear Visitor, Please Don’t Suggest These: Living in SoFla we are constantly ...
Much like the tours organized by many of my friends in fledgling bands over the years, this was a DIY, couch-surfing, cross-country jaunt, with Hank scheduling the events himself sans (at least to my knowledge) the aid of his publisher. Curious to see if there was anything in the ...
It was not the time of year to catch The Montreal Jazz Festival, so I got to see local bands like ‘Park X’ and the ‘Carl Naud Quartet’ at ‘L’OFF Jazz Festival’. As you move about that city, the familiar and the exotic coexist at every street corner. I came to realise ...
and different personalities. It’s pretty cool to see them doing their own thing and making noise in their own right. There’s a big experimental “noise” community now that’s in vogue in the city. A lot of people in rock ‘n’ roll bands and garage bands in early 2010–2012. That...
Sandi’s path to a music career was influenced by her father who was a semiprofessional drummer-vocalist with Dixieland bands. As far back as she can remember, she wanted to be singer. To that end, in 1956 she enrolled in the acclaimed Los Angeles City College’s music department where ...
This leads to petty acts like having to wait a set number of hours before replying so you don’t seemdespo, or not expressing things like, “I’m really looking forward to our first meet-up tonight!”–‘cause you think it’ll make you seem overeager. ...