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Reference to the completion of the Local Agenda 21 strategy document by the end of 1996; Need for authorities to deliver and facilitate sustainable development; Example of some optimistic views on sustainable development.doi:10.1080/13563469608406274Ward...
Persistent and Expanding Population Outbreaks of the Corallivorous Starfish Acanthaster planci in the Northwestern Indian Ocean: Are They Really a Conseque... Population outbreaks of the starfish Acanthaster planci have been persisting for at least the past 25 yr on coral reefs in the Gulf of ...
Within the UK, the clinical trial is the established road map for evaluating interventions in the National Health Service (NHS). However, adult social care and local authorities are relatively uncharted territory for trials. BATH-OUT-2 is one of the first clinical trials currently underway within...
Authorities in worst financial state have asked central government to bail them out January 9 2025 English devolution English counties weigh election delay to pursue devolution plan 13 councils are considering postponing local polls in May, officials say ...
Energy planning Local authorities Regions 1. Introduction According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), urban energy consumption generates about three quarters of global carbon emissions (IPCC, 2014). Similarly, in the European Union (EU) 72.4% of the population lives in built-...
Please maintain Covid 19 Protocols and Social Distancing guidelines as requested by the Provincial Health Authorities and the Federal Government. Masks are required during Eucharistic Celebrations. Posted on: 10 December 2021 Posted by: St. Stephen's Roman Catholic Parish Church location: 1360 East ...
This paper explores the progress of UK local authorities and the barriers they face in developing and implementing climate policy initiatives. The UK local greenhouse gas emissions statistics are reviewed and the effectiveness of a national scheme of knowledge transfer on sustainable energy development de...
Local Authorities are increasingly expected to deliver more with less. Our scalable real-time data platform delivers an end-to-end approach to Internet of Things (IoT), asset data collection and asset management. So, you can reduce the complexity of your IoT and easily identify ways to improv...
UK local authorities not ready for the number of deaths from Covid-19, according to new researchThe situation could lead to a bottleneck in burials and cremations, mortuaries filled beyond capacity and the possibility of mass graves. Credit: University of Huddersfield ...