Per informazioni dettagliate sugli attributi dell'account HelpAssistant, vedere la tabella seguente. Attributi dell'account HelpAssistant AttributoValore Well-Known SID/RIDS-1-5-<domain>-13 (Terminal Server User), S-1-5-<domain>-14 (Remote Interactive Logon) ...
comparisons correction (cluster-defining P = 0.01, cluster-level-corrected P = 0.05/N), where N is the number of the surface clusters showing diagnosis effects on the local functional connectivity and is used to account for the additional statistical effects due to the multiple seeds employed)....
Taking account of these elements offers an opportunity to think about agriculture differently and leads us to propose an innovative approach to local products. Several examples taken in France will help show how links can be established between the protection of GI, cultural biodiversity, and local ...
Como pode haver vários objetos do AD DS (várias florestas) para o mesmo usuário, o mecanismo de sincronização depende do link para escolher o correto. Depois que a conta de usuário for encontrada, será feita uma tentativa de redefinir a senha ...
securities account maintained by it subsequently permits another secured creditor to obtain control of the account, the other [...] [...] 19 条第 2 款);(c)如两人取得相同中间人代持 证券的控制权,则取得控制权时间在先者优先(第 19 条第 3 款);(d)如一证券 中间...
英语-中文正在建设中 例子: 因地制宜 也可见: 用于 沿用副 符合 一字 ▾ 外部资源(未审查的) Since they did not match up, it was often difficult to synchronize actionsin line withtheworkingmethodsofthe partner organization. ...
Tutte le risorse create sono associate all' AWS account del profilo e collocate nella AWS regione predefinita del profilo. Le autorizzazioni dell'utente del profilo determinano l'accesso alle AWS risorse e alle azioni. Seleziona un profilo dall'elenco a discesa dei profili disponibili. Se non ...
I do apologies that the host did not take your preferences into account better and I will be sure to provide additional training to ensure that this does not happen again. We would love the opportunity to host you in another of our cities worl...
<LocalizedResources Id="api.localaccountsignup.en"> <LocalizedStrings> <LocalizedString ElementType="ErrorMessage" StringId="UserMessageIfInternalError">We are having trouble verifying your email address. Please try again later.</LocalizedString> <LocalizedString ElementType="ErrorMessage" StringId="Use...
This would ensurethatlocal conditionsaretaken into account in the assessment of which forms of food aid are desirable-depending,inparticular,onwhetherthelocalagricultural sector is or is not able to increase its supply following cash transfers, whether such transfers take the form of disaster ...