Buy flash frozen lobster tails from Luke's Lobster and get them shipped to you straight from Maine. These raw tails are perfect for broiling, baking, or grilling. Get your lobster tails shipped today!
All those people will leave behindlotsof lobster tails, food scraps, beer cups, cutlery, napkins, even peppermint patty wrappers. Lots of food at LobsterFest. (Photo/Dan Woog) But it won’t be left for long. The Westport Rotary Club — sponsors of the bash, which raises hundreds of thou...
This Lobster Roll recipe screams summer to me! Made with chunks of chilled lobster tossed with celery, shallots, chives, light mayonnaise and a little lemon zest served on a hot dog bun – delicious! Lobster Roll I love lobster! When I’m not eating Grilled Lobster Tails or Lobster Tacos,...
And I know you’re probably thinking, “Lobster, Deb? In asalad?We do not all have such bottomless grocery budgets.” and believe me, this is hardly our average Thursday night grub either. I considered extensively whether we should even discuss such posh things but concluded in the end sev...
Place lobster tails on a foil wrapped baking tin. It’s not shown (forgot to take a photo), but I scatter a few small knobs of butter near the lobster. Bake in the oven until the lobster is cooked. I positioned the oven rack near the heating coil (on top of my oven) so that it...
lobster tails. They’re rarely fresh there, being processed and frozen raw on the coast before being shipped to frozen food distributors. At larger gatherings and restaurant buffets where they offer a “lobster bake” the lobsters arrive already boiled, packaged in individual nylon nets. They’re...