(Thus, the name of the dll file you produce must end with "MOD" as well.) 2. Take a good look at the dll files in Lobotomy Corp's "Managed" folder and study them. 3. Write a code using class names and function names that the mod can detect. (Refer to "where_to_add.txt") ...
1.检查您的游戏文件是否正确(不要使用盗版,不要使用旧版,且游戏不存在自行修改与曾经装载过V5.0除外的Basemod) 2.请在(https://www.nexusmods.com/lobotomycorporation/mods/2)中选择“FILES”→找到“MAIN FILES”,根据自己需要选择Basemod版本(通常为KO韩国原版) 3.进入脑叶公司的游戏文件夹,找到“LobotomyCorp...
LobotomyCorp\LobotomyCorp_Data 而MOD的安装方法就是下载后把解压得到的文件夹直接扔到 LobotomyCorp\LobotomyCorp_Data\BaseMods 里面。 (你可以在库中右键点击游戏再在管理项中点击浏览游戏文件来找到游戏的目录) 注意,有些MOD的安装会把游戏进度重置(指图鉴还在但主界面上点击继续游戏会回到DAY1)。所以安装MOD之前...
简介 LobotomyCorp自制mod 绝对平衡() Unity XML C# GPL-2.0 发行版 暂无发行版 贡献者 (1) 全部 近期动态 1天前推送了新的提交到 master 分支,0a97ebc...834b9f2 1天前推送了新的提交到 master 分支,0f94cd5...0a97ebc 1天前推送了新的提交到 master 分支,63516ee...0f94cd5 1天前...
1.从N站模组页下载主文件。2.将压缩文件解压(注意:不要把它粘贴到脑叶公司的游戏文件夹(此处指LobotomyCorp_Data),而是应将其单独解压,即不需要覆盖安装)3. 运行LobotomyModManager.exe 2楼2024-05-04 12:10 回复 Maze_Lilia 善恶难辨 7 *补充:运行后可选英文(比较易懂),点击右上角Set Game Path,选中...
【1.2MOD汉化】..\Lobotomy Corp(脑叶公司)的简繁中文汉化包,请在原mod之前加载。-已完全汉化。翻译:-简中:22点下-繁中:22点下禁止转载。简介:脑叶公司加入了粉红军备渴血症刺耳嚎叫美味苏打闪金冲锋
How to install (for users who are not using Lobotomy Mod Manager): 1. Create a new folder, name the folder to anything you wish. 2. Extract the contents of the mod's zip file to that new folder. 3. Move the new folder into the "BaseMods" folder inside the "LobotomyCorp\LobotomyCo...
Minecraft Forge: Credits/Thank You Forge is a set of tools and modifications to the Minecraft base game code to assist mod developers in creating new and exciting content. It has been in development for several years now, but I would like to take this time thank a few people who have hel...
A mod with a lobotomy corp's abnormalIties and E.G.O. - 移除 lambdalib2 的代码 · Blessing-Studio/LobotomyCorp@f0843b7