healthcare system.1 Given its potential impact, interest group representatives (lobbyists) from the insurance industry, hospitals, medical device manufacturers, and organizations representing doctors, patients, and employers all tried to influence what the law would look like and the way it would ...
This article surveys literature on lobbying and interest group influence on Congress. It also shows the way research has not supported many of the popular beliefs on lobbying and interest groups. 展开 DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199559947.003.0026 年份: 2011 ...
Interest groups and lobbyists play an important role in the United States' political process, reinforcing the fundamental importance of pursuing self-interest and providing an effective means of alternate representation. However, the adversarial nature of interest groups often fuel voter discomfort with ...
While interest groups frequently arrange seminars and conferences, the strategic use of public events for political influence has largely evaded scholarly
Lobbying in the European Union: Interest Groups, Lobbying Coalitions and Policy Change. Oxford: Oxford University Press.Bernhagen, P. (2014): "Lobbying in the European Union: Interest Groups, Lobbying Coalitions, and Policy Change", West European Politics, 37:5: 1196-1197...
With afocuson interest groups’issuemobilisation(Chap-ter 3), theuseof strategies(Chapter 4), accessto venuesof politicaldecision-makingandpublicdebate(Chapter 5), and,ultimately, influenceongovernmentpolicies(Chapter 6), thechapters analysedpatterninviral lobbyingquantitative-ly.The results portray a...
Upon testing hypotheses based on interest groups’ own perspectives, we find that contrary to both the existing scholarship and popular belief, the strongest predictor of a group’s inclination to coalesce lies in its relative strength vis-à-vis its resources and capacity, while its biggest ...
It is argued (1) that this and other features of these articles may be justified within a Libertarian Paternalist framework as ‘nudging’ like ways of influencing decision makers, but also (2) that these ways of influencing decision makers raise significant ethical issues in the context of ...
N.d. "Legislatures, Lobbying and Interest Groups." In Oxford Handbook of Legislative Studies. Forthcoming. Binderkrantz, Anne S., and Simon Krøyer. 2012. "Customizing Strategy: Policy Goals and Interest Group Strategies." Interest Groups and Advocacy 1: 115– 38. Legislative Process in ...
lobbying/interest groups rent‐seeking This paper attempts to answer whether market competition makes relocation of a firm to an inefficient location easier through lobbying. It models a case where a larger market is more efficient location choice of the firm. It shows that if the agglomeration eff...