必应词典为您提供loan-deposit-ratio的释义,un. 代款与存款比率; 网络释义: 贷款存款比率;存放款比率;存贷比率;
ratio n.[C] 比率,比例 hard loan 【法】 条件苛刻的贷款 subprime loan 次级贷款 auto loan 汽车贷款 loan shark vi. 以放高利贷为业 over loan 放款过度指银行放款超过存款的状态。也就是指银行的放款、有价证券投资等资金的运用超过存款与自有资本的总和,且其差额经常须依赖中央银行的重贴现来弥补。
loan-deposit ratio 英 [ləʊn dɪˈpɒzɪt ˈreɪʃiəʊ] 美 [loʊn dɪˈpɑːzɪt ˈreɪʃioʊ]贷款存款比率 ...
loan-deposit ratio 英文loan-deposit ratio 中文【经】 贷款与存款比率
所谓贷存比(Loan-to-depositRatio),顾名思义是指商业银行贷款总额除以存款总额的比值,即银行贷款总额/存款总额。从银行盈利的角度讲,贷存比越高越好,因为存款是要付息的,即所谓的资金成本,如果一家银行的存款很多,贷款很少,就意味着它成本高,而收入少,银行的盈利能力就较差。 ...
“贷存比”可以用loan-to-deposit ratio表示,即银行资产负债表(balance sheet)中的贷款余额占存款余额的比例。 贷存比一直是商业银行用来衡量银行流动性风险(liquidity5 risk)的指标之一。为防止银行过度扩张,央行规定商业银行最高的贷存比例为75%。贷存比仍将与流动性覆盖率(liquidity coverage6 ratio,LCR)、净稳...
What Is the Loan-to-Deposit Ratio (LDR)? The loan-to-deposit ratio (LDR) is used to assess a bank'sliquidityby comparing a bank's total loans to its total deposits for the same period. The LDR is expressed as a percentage. If the ratio is too high, it means that the bank may ...
1) loandeposit ratio 贷款-存款比率 2) rates between the loans and deposits 存贷款比率 1. This article studies the rates between the loans and deposits of commercial banks by empirical model and econometrics model,finding that deposit rates and loan rates co-integrate with the rates between ...
1) bank loan-deposit ratio 银行存贷款比例 2) loan/deposit ratio 存贷款比例 3) loan [英][ləʊn] [美][lon] 银行贷款 1. The results show that: equity finance has substitution effect on loan,and loan improves the profit effectively. 结果表明:股市筹资对银行贷款有明显替代作用,银行...
存贷款比率(Loa bf9 n-deposit Ratio) 所谓存贷款比率,是指将 银行 的 贷款 总额与 存款 总额进行对比。