If you take out a student loan to help pay for college, you're going to have to pay back the money you borrow plus the interest. And with college getting more expensive, more students are turning to loans to help pay for it. One government official has a couple of plans that he thin...
Reconsider home equity loan to pay for collegeJEFF BROWN, MCCLATCHY NEWSPAPERS
aWhat’s more, the majority of students take out a government loan to pay for their college, which could be paid back over graduate.[translate]
Can you use a personal loan to pay for college? Student Loans By Heidi Rivera 4 min read $15,000 personal loans: Everything you need to know Personal Loans By Jerry Brown 5 min read 5 ways a personal loan could help you save money Personal Loans By Kellye Guinan 5 min read...
Parent student loans can be useful for those who want to help their children pay for college but are unable to do so out of pocket. This type of loan requires the parent (or sometimes grandparent, legal guardian or other relative) to submit an application on the student's behalf and assu...
Students and families planning to take out federal loans to pay for college this fall will see the highest interest rates in over a decade. The interest rate for direct federal undergraduate student loans disbursed after July 1, 2024 will be 6.53%, the Department of Education announced Tuesday....
Students who rely on loans to pay for college may give little thought to the financial burden they've taken on until after graduation. But borrowers will quickly need to devise a plan for how to pay back student loans as their grace period comes to a close and repayment begins...
You can't use a personal loan to pay for college tuition, business expenses or a down payment on a home. And just because you can use a personal loan to cover discretionary expenses, like a wedding or even a luxury handbag, doesn't mean you should. Be sure to compare your financing ...
If you qualify, you may be able to enroll in a student loan repayment plan that bases your monthly payments on a percentage of your income. If you've borrowed federal student loans to pay for college, you likely already know that there's a lot of complicated terminolog...
There are more student-friendly ways to pay for college, including scholarships, grants, federal student loans, and private student loans. Using a Personal Loan for School The cost of a college education is continuing to rise. For some potential students, using apersonal loanto pay for school ...