The loan-to-deposit ratio (LDR) is used to assess a bank'sliquidityby comparing a bank's total loans to its total deposits for the same period. The LDR is expressed as a percentage. If the ratio is too high, it means that the bank may not have enough liquidity to cover any unforese...
所谓贷存比(Loan-to-depositRatio),顾名思义是指商业银行贷款总额除以存款总额的比值,即银行贷款总额/存款总额。从银行盈利的角度讲,贷存比越高越好,因为存款是要付息的,即所谓的资金成本,如果一家银行的存款很多,贷款很少,就意味着它成本高,而收入少,银行的盈利能力就较差。 ...
LDRLocal Distribution Radio LDRLow Dynamic Range LDRLightweight Data Replicator LDRLutheran Disaster Response LDRLead Development Rep(various companies) LDRLonesome Day Records(Booneville, KY) LDRLabor-Delivery-Recovery(room) LDRLow Data Rate LDRLoan-to-Deposit Ratio(banking) ...
A macro-prudential policy is formulated to reduce this myopic tendency. This article shows analytically how Loan-to-Deposit-Ratio (LDR)-linked Reserve Requirement (RR) can be used to apply counter-cyclical measures in banking industry by providing disincentive mechanism when a bank operates outside...
The loan to deposit ratio, also known as LTD ratio or LDR, is a commonly used statistic for assessing a bank or a financial institution’s liquidity by dividing the financial institution’s total loans by its total deposits, usually expressed as a percentage. ...
韩国银行的平均贷存比率(loan-to-deposit ratio)为140%,的确远高於亚洲区内银行的平均数82%。然而,97年9月南韩短期外 …|基于111个网页 2. 贷款与存款比率 会计词汇E ... loan syndicate 贷款银团loan-to-deposit ratio贷款与存款比率loan-to-valuation ratio 贷款与估值比率 ... ...
loan-deposit ratio 英 [ləʊn dɪˈpɒzɪt ˈreɪʃiəʊ] 美 [loʊn dɪˈpɑːzɪt ˈreɪʃioʊ]贷款存款比率 ...
China will scrap1 commercial banks' loan-to-deposit ratio. It will propose amending2 the nation's banking3 law to make the limit a ratio used for reference rather than a regulatory statute4. 中国将取消商业银行的“贷存比”,提出修正银行法案,将贷存比由法定监管指标转为参考指标。 “贷存比”...
AchievedLoantoDepositratio (LDR) of below 75% in March 2011, one of the first few foreign banks to meet this regulatory requirement in advance. 2011年3月,达到75%或以下贷存比的监管要求,成为首批提前达成要求的外资银行之一。
“贷存比”可以用loan-to-deposit ratio表示,即银行资产负债表(balance sheet)中的贷款余额占存款余额的比例。 贷存比一直是商业银行用来衡量银行流动性风险(liquidity5 risk)的指标之一。为防止银行过度扩张,央行规定商业银行最高的贷存比例为75%。贷存比仍将与流动性覆盖率(liquidity coverage6 ratio,LCR)、净稳...