plan to refinance, anticipating a rate drop, you might be willing to accept a higher rate with lower up front costs. But if you plan to keep your mortgage long term, paying points could be a better move. Or you might contribute more of a down payment to get to a better pricing tier...
To maintain that level of growth, it has to start looking at newer, riskier customer segments. And for those segments, arguably at higher risk-adjusted pricing, the credit losses can be unpredictable and higher than anticipated. The credit risk models using newer data sources have also not yet...
Potential credit exposure distribution on the counterparty level. Using a simulation approach to determine potential credit exposure is very time consuming and requires considerable IT resources. Approximation methods based on option pricing theory are an alternative to compute potential credit exposure. ...
This adjustment is done to identify lenders at parent company level as reliably as possible. For example, Merrill Lynch was acquired by Bank of America in September 2008. However, in the Thomson DealScan data, the most recent parent, in other words, Bank of America, is retroactively assigned ...
The nonlinear system (38) can be solved through Newton-type iteration approach as (39) for with the initial value for each time level as the given initial guess, denotes the Jacobian matrix of the column vector and is a damping parameter. We choose if for some l as the stopping criterion...