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If you're currently paying off a student loan, you may get Form 1098-E in the mail from each of your lenders. Your lenders have to report how much interest you pay annually. Student loan interest can be deductible on federal tax returns, but receiving a 1098-E doesn't alwa...
The article discusses the January 31, 2007 financial report by Jackson Hewitt Tax Service Inc. (JHTS). Michael Lister, chairman and chief executive of JHTS, participated in a conference call with analysts on February 28, 2007. John Neff, an analyst at William Blair & Co. LLC, commented ...
The latter does come with a large upfront cost, but you’ll be renting out your park with monthly income guaranteed from renters. You can then take these funds and flip them into a new property to build up your real estate portfolio. TEXAS acreage land loans for Storage facilities. ...
Jackson Hewitt Tax Services Inc. saw a share price fall on the news that the company lost a major lender who needed to provide ref loans (RALs) to taxpayers. RALs are used by tax preparers to provide immediate cash to clients expecting a refund. The regul ...
Jackson Hewitt Develops Late-Season Refund LoanJackson Hewitt Tax Service Inc. plans to introduce a loan product today that will let late-season tax filers receive the balance of their refunds two weeks after obtaining a partial refund anticipation loan.Launder, William...
Hock, Sandy