开始-运行-CMD-输入 cd %WINDIR%\system32 copy opengl32.dll .dll 如果UAC(用户账户控制)仍在起作用,你可能要使用管理员用户来运行命令。问题解决!其中cmd是命令提示符,输入后面那些复制进去就可以了,我安装SolidWorks也是这个问题,看能不能帮到你 ...
CreateFile giving 'sharing violation' error CreateFileMapping failed with error 1006 CreateFileMapping fails with Access denied after impersonating a regular user CreateProcess is returning error code 2 CreateProcess returning error code = 5, access denied on Server 2003, Vista CreateProcess() Cannot...
LoadLibrary failed with error 126 Describe the issue I am using onnxruntime gpu 1.12.1 in c# and it works fine. When I change the name of the parent directory of the executable to Korean "디버그" which mean "Debug", I encounter this error. Basically the error is saying that onn...
首先:“开始菜单--运行--—编辑——查找——loadlibrary——删除 如果不行再从网上下载一个优化大师在开机速度优化中钩选有关loadlibrary failed-error code 126"的选项单击优化即可
When using RDP to connect to a remote machine, the error could be related to the RDP session itself. However, what may be occurring is a conflict between the video card specified by the RDP connection and the one used on the remote workstation. In most cases, RDP is connecti...
GacShell.dll文件在下载过程中出现问题 故障代码126 重装游戏吧
When trying to install the driver, I get the "LoadLibrary failed with error 126: The specified module could not be found." I tried opening CMD as Administrator and running this command "cd c:\windows\system32" then "copy atio6xx.dll .dll" (without quotes). I get The...
Here's the full error message provider_bridge_ort.cc:940 onnxruntime::ProviderLibrary::Get : LoadLibrary failed with error 126 "The specified module could not be found." when trying to load "D:\Guigui\Work\Mocaplab\eye_tracking\bin\onnxruntime_providers_cuda.dll" ...
32位 windows 7 AMD HD6770显卡 如何支持opengl (就是不出现Loadlibrary failed with error 126) 这个是软件模块缺失或者无法加载造成的~ WIn7+A卡很容易出现的问题,重装驱动还不能不解决的话只能重新换系统了。