I can load Linux from this eMMC when bootstrap and uboot is in MCI1. All wokr correct. Bootstrap start from eMMC but can not load uboot from this eMMC. Error - unusable card. I will try 3.9.1 version in near hour and will write result. Thank you for help. Author IvanZholubak7c...
Issues facing with the uboot-2022: Problems: --> we flashed the pfefw in the emmc , pfe fw was loading, but it failed to start the linux kernel. (not boot the linux) , With out pfefw we can boot the linux. --> we flashed the pfefw in the qspi, it's not loading the pfe...
配置uboot参数,实现通过TFTP协议从开发主机上的tftpboot目录下载内核。配置完成后,开发板复位,无法通过TFTP下载内核文件,提示:“Loading:T T T …”。请教其中的原因。Uboot配置参数如下:(帖子名称:关于Loading:T T T ...的问题) bootdelay=3 baudrate=115200 autoload=no verify=yes bootfile=uImage ramdisk_f...
编译Uboot出错:error while loading shared libraries: libz.so.1: cannot open shared object file,这个问题就是你64位的操作系统没有32位的类库,而android的SDK是要32位支持的,如果没装就只能是报上面的错!解决:#sudoapt-getupdate#sudoapt-getinstalllib32z1...
How do I load fip.bin (mainly uboot.bin or uboot.elf) from a bl2.elf file from CW? I am getting the following trace in CW. BL2 is not able to locate fip.bin in CW. Thread #1 1 [core: 0] (Suspended : Signal : SIGINT:Interrupt)plat_panic_handler() at platform_helpers....
4. 网上很多人说ubuntu18.04只支持nfs3,nfs4,而uboot默认是nfs2,于是修改 /etc/default/nfs-...
U-Boot上电启动后,按任意键可以退出自动启动状态,进入命令行。 U-Boot 2020.01-stm32mp-r1 (Aug 05 2020 - 05:32:37 +0000) CPU: STM32MP157AAA Rev.B Model: HQYJ FS-MP1A Discovery Board Board: stm32mp1 in trusted mode (st,stm32mp157a-fsmp1a) ...
u-boot NFS下载文件报错:Loading: *** ERROR: File lookup fail解决方法 u-boot version:2016.03 ubuntu version:18.04 ubuntu中环境配置正确,通过其他客户端能够挂载上。但是使用uboot得nfs下载命令会报错,如图所示错误(Loading: *** ERROR: File lookup fail): 导致此错误得原因是:uboot中使用得NFS版本为V2版...
在Ubuntu14.04 64位系统中已经安装了libc6:i386的库,编译Uboot时提示error while loading shared libraries: libz.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory. 出错原因是:缺少lib32z1库 解决方法:sudo apt-get install lib32z1...